Thank you for visiting the Transforming Teaching and Learning Community-TTLC. This page is organized around key resources connected to bring the CTEPP Vision and Mission to reality. Below, readers will find the Vision and Mission. Each hyperlink brings the reader to a resource page. This page highlights typical programmatic questions and dilemmas related to that phrase from the Vision. Various resources are provided to help readers think more deeply about these questions and dilemmas. The resources include personal testimonies from CTEPP participants (as well as their students), tools developed specifically by CTEPP, and curated information from a wide range of sources.


CSU educator preparation programs provide national leadership in quality, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Aspiring teachers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color thrive in our programs. Our graduates enter the teaching profession prepared to disrupt systemic oppression and engage with socially just educational practices; they work toward the transformation of inequitable structures and advance greater equity in student outcomes.


The Center supports the ongoing transformation of all CSU educator preparation programs, advancing their positive impact on historically marginalized communities. Anchored in our Key Transformation Elements, we engage in data-driven, collaborative improvement efforts developing and scaling innovative, effective, and equity-driven teacher preparation pathways and supports.

Transforming Educator Preparation Webinar, October 2024

This public webinar presentation, held on October 25th 2024, provides an overview and history of CTEPP and showcases the work of three CTEPP campus improvement teams.

Testimony Videos


Select a campus to explore testimony videos.

For more resources

  • Call Me MiSTER This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. at Clemson University provides tuition assistance through loan forgiveness programs for admitted students pursuing approved programs of study in teacher education at participating colleges, an academic support system to help assure their success, a cohort system for social and cultural support, and assistance with job placement.
  • Profound Gentlemen This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. is a national organization that engages current and aspiring male educators of color by placing them in small communities called, Impact Cohorts.
  • San Francisco Teacher Residency Program offers a high-touch, three-year program with financial support for teacher candidates who seek employment in San Francisco schools. The program is centered on the values of social justice. “Plain and simple: we are on a mission for social justice. SFTR aims to improve academic achievement and social-emotional development for historically underserved students in San Francisco’s public schools by recruiting, preparing, and supporting highly effective and equity-centered teachers.”
  • Cal State Fullerton’s Men of Color in Education Program This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. and Male Success Initiative work together to attract and retain men of color in the teaching credential program through a community of social and academic support.
  • Educators Rising This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. is a national organization supporting community partnerships between K-12, Community Colleges, and IHIs in creating “Grow Your Own” programs. Project Pipeline Repair: Restoring Minority Male Participation and Persistence in Teacher Preparation Programs offers this Design Template for states and institutions seeking to recruit and retain male teachers of color. This recent WestEd CA Residency Program Findings Report shows how influential personal connections can be to decisions to enter teacher prep programs (see Figure 13 on page 21).

BIPOC Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Anti-Racism Texts** 



For more information

The Educator Quality Center
