Team Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Transforming hiring and retention of Latinx completers through partnership with County HR directors.

Team Co-Leads

Assistant Professor & Co-Coordinator Educational Leadership and Administration Program
Associate Professor & Co-Coordinator Educational Leadership and Administration Program


Virginia McMunn
Assessment Coordinator and CTEPP Continuous Improvement Lead
Traice Muguira
Clinical Practice Coordinator and CTEPP District Partner Liaison
Juan Olivarria
Teacher Education Faculty
James Brescia
Superintendent SLOCOE and LEA partner
Kristin Olson Bridgeford
Teacher Education Faculty

KTE 1: Building University and School District Partnerships

CSU EPPs form deep partnerships with school districts and create a shared vision of effective K-12 instruction that includes a mutual commitment to the recruitment, preparation, support, and retention of teachers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.


By June 2023, through collaboration with K12 partners, we will increase employment of Latinx candidates from 24% to 32% of eligible completers.

North Star: By June 2026

  • We will increase employment rate from 24% to 50%.
  • We will increase retention of those employed beyond one year from 50% to 75%

Key Leverage Areas Being Addressed

Team Cal Poly SLO has launched a partnership with their county’s human resources directors to share data and bridge information gaps as part of a routine in their quarterly meetings. A smaller volunteer task force meets more regularly.  

They are also testing ways to humanize the hiring process by providing student-created profiles for potential employers with photos and personal statements from candidates.