Transforming training and support for clinical supervisors with a focus on quality, equity-centered feedback to candidates.
Team Cal Poly Humboldt
Team Co-Leads
KTE 4: Providing Feedback on Prioritized Skills
Create a culture of feedback for teacher candidates that is data-driven, specific and actionable, featuring ongoing and coordinated inputs from CSU faculty, supervisors and teacher mentors to support candidates in practice of prioritized skills resulting in thorough preparation to teach in schools that serve students who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
By June 2023, 100% of Clinical Practice Observation forms include feedback, resources or actionable items related to DEI skills identified in TPE 2.2 & 4.1.
Key Leverage Areas Being Addressed
Team Humboldt is focusing on providing multiple resources and training opportunities for clinical supervisors as they perform their feedback cycles. Improvements include a revision of feedback forms to more explicitly look for and respond to culturally responsive pedagogical practices observed and training on equity-centered delivery of feedback practices.